Friday, December 30, 2011

Public Prayer has always been a part of the American conscience. In times of war, presidents have led the American people in prayer and fasting. From George Washington to Franklin Roosevelt, America has turned to its faith in God to sustain them in times of trouble.

The following article called Bunnell Florida City Commissioners Meetings open in Prayer is a breath of fresh air. I am so happy to see that there are still leaders who are willing to pray for our nation publicly.

God Bless


Bunnell Florida City Commissioners Meetings open in Prayer.

Bunnell Florida City Commissioners Meetings open in Prayer.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Jehovah's Witnesses and Blood Transfusions-Grab The Rope!

Death is always tragic. Made even more so, when it can be easily avoided. This Hub is an appeal to Jehovah Witnesses world wide to reconsider their stand against emergency blood transfusions. It is dedicated to those who have had to helplessly stand by and watch their Jehovah Witness relative, friend, loved one, or even patient die because they refused a blood transfusion that could have easily saved their life. Most victims are adults, many are children. All died needlessly.

Jehovah's Witnesses and Blood Transfusions-Grab The Rope!

An experienced fisherman is fishing off the coast of Florida when he hears a cry for help off his port side. He quickly looks and sees a man in the water about 50 yards away clearly exhausted. He is treading water and is barely able to stay afloat a midst the blistery ocean waves. It is a cold day and the waves are rough. Keep Reading........

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Job 13:15a-I Will Praise Him Anyway

Finding God's purpose for suffering is essential for the Christian walk. "I Will Praise Him Anyway" explores suffering and encourages us to find joy in the midst suffering. Click on the link to be taken to the article. I hope it inspires you as it did me.

I will Praise Him Anyway

In Christ

I Will Praise Him Anyway!

I Will Praise Him Anyway!

A Macaw To Remember: Uncovering My Conscience

A Macaw To Remember: Uncovering My Conscience